Terrific post for my area, too, where Goldstrum is overused but we don't know what else to buy. I just discovered this blog and I'll be reading your archives because it all looks great. Susan
As soon as I posted it occurred to me that the longer-flowering of the 'Irish Eyes' may be precisely because it is such a young (first-year) plant. Not that the 'Fulgida' is overgrown or anything, but most plants flower and hold fresh foliage longest when they are young. That said, I do still like 'Irish Eyes' both to contrast with 'Fulgida' and because 'Fulgida' is so common that you can spot it with your peripheral vision while driving downthe street.
Lovely garden!
Terrific post for my area, too, where Goldstrum is overused but we don't know what else to buy.
I just discovered this blog and I'll be reading your archives because it all looks great. Susan
As soon as I posted it occurred to me that the longer-flowering of the 'Irish Eyes' may be precisely because it is such a young (first-year) plant. Not that the 'Fulgida' is overgrown or anything, but most plants flower and hold fresh foliage longest when they are young. That said, I do still like 'Irish Eyes' both to contrast with 'Fulgida' and because 'Fulgida' is so common that you can spot it with your peripheral vision while driving downthe street.
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