Friday, April 24, 2020

Mapping the World of COVID-19

A few days ago I was looking at the COVID-19 data at

The website has a table showing data on cases, deaths, recoveries and testing for almost every country in the world.  You can sort the table by any of its columns, but I wanted to be able to see geographic patterns by looking at a map.  So, I decided to practice my R skills by writing code to webscrape the table data and produce a world choropleth map with colors coded to per capita death rates. (Click on map for higher resolution.)

Here is the R code.  I hope it is sufficiently documented to follow, and also that you can see how to modify it to make a choropleth from just about any website's table of country-level data:

# Webscrape COVID
# David Pittelli --
# Some code from SNHU IT 697 II
# will give CSS codes such as 'td' for table data.
# Data source:


# Load functions************

setwd("C:/Users/David/Documents/2020 Choropleth")

#scrape table data************

#extract the table data ('td' in html) ************
scraped_td = html_nodes(d, 'td')

# convert the html data to text ************
Tab = html_text(scraped_td)

# extract table head and convert to text for column names ************
# scraped_th = html_nodes(d, 'th')
# TabHead = html_text(scraped_th)

# Remove non-country leading info.  Start with the "1" followed by the Country with most Deaths***
first = min(grep("^1$", Tab)) # The first "1" as whole string in Tab is probably where we want to start
# Use anchors. ^ is the start. $ is the end.
# The start position was 115, then went to 153 on or slightly before 2020 06 01 run.

last = min(grep("Total", Tab)) - 2

Tab2 = Tab[first:last]

#build matrix of data, then convert to data frame************
df=data.frame(matrix(Tab2, ncol=19,byrow=T), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df=df[, c(2:16)]

colnames(df) = c("Country", "TotalCases", "NewCases", "TotalDeaths", "NewDeaths", "TotalRecovered", "NewRecovered", "ActiveCases", "CriticalCases", "CPM", "DPM", "TotalTests", "TPM", "Population", "Region")

# Clear out unneeded variables************
# rm(list=setdiff(ls(), "df"))

# Fix countries with abbreviated names************
df[df$Country == "S. Korea", "Country"] = "South Korea"
df[df$Country == "UAE", "Country"] = "United Arab Emirates"
df[df$Country == "DRC", "Country"] = "Democratic Republic of the Congo"
df[df$Country == "CAR", "Country"] = "Central African Republic"
df[df$Country == "Czechia", "Country"] = "Czech Republic"
df[df$Country == "North Macedonia", "Country"] = "Macedonia"
df[df$Country == "Eswatini", "Country"] = "Swaziland"

# Add countries with missing data************
# df = rbind(df, c("Turkmenistan", rep(0, 9), NA, rep(0, 4))) # claims no cases, obviously untrue
# df = rbind(df, c("North Korea", rep(0, 15))) # claims no cases, obviously untrue
df = rbind(df, c("Antarctica", rep(0, 15)))
df = rbind(df, c("Kosovo", rep(0, 9), 66/1.845, 0, 0, 1845000, 'Europe')) # deaths / millions 7/4/20
# source:
# df = rbind(df, c("Kazakhstan", rep(0, 15))) # they got data by July
# df = rbind(df, c("Tajikistan", rep(0, 15))) # they got data by July

# Remove commas from text-numbers and change from chr to numeric************
for (i in 2:14) {
df[ , i] = as.numeric(gsub(",","",df[ , i]))

# Change NA values to 0
df[$DPM), "DPM"] = 0
df[$CPM), "CPM"] = 0

# Find highest DPM for country with Population > 1 million
# Only San Marino has higher DPM (as of 4/24/2020)
hmax = max(df[df$Population > 1000000 & !$Population) & !$DPM), "DPM"])

# Save with a file name including today's date************
today = paste(substr(date(), 5, 10), substr(date(), 21, 24))
filename = paste(today, "COVID table.csv")
write.csv(df, filename)

#join data to a map************
COVIDMap = joinCountryData2Map(df,

# plot the map************
colorbreaks = c(0, 0.01, 0.1, 5, hmax/32, hmax/16, hmax/8, hmax/4, hmax/2, hmax/2 + 0.01, hmax/2 + 0.02, hmax)

     catMethod = colorbreaks,
     colourPalette = "heat",
     oceanCol = "light sky blue",
     missingCountryCol = "dimgrey",
     borderCol = "black",
     mapTitle = paste("COVID-19 Deaths per Million People,", today))

# Add labels, note that lat/lon is set to erroneous number to be in right place for zoomed graphic
text(x=155, y=45, label="?", col = "dark red", cex = 2)
text(x=100,y=-90, label="David Pittelli --", col = "black", cex = 0.8)

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